Outside The Therapy Room

Episode 22 - Conflict, Window of Tolerance and How to Fight Fair with Jenni

Ivonne Hammoud Season 1 Episode 22

Jenni is back to talk about conflict. We answer the question "is conflict bad", and we discuss what happens to our bodies and brain when we are in conflict, survival cues (flight, fight, freeze and fawn) and the window of tollerance; as well as the different conflict types we might take on.

We provide support and suggestions to help you the next time you find yourself in a place of conflict and how to self-regulate. Jenni will be offering a FREE Virtual workshop on conflict, where she will dive deeper on helping you identify your conflict type. This workshop will be running on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30pm EST register here or send us an email.

Here are some resources we discussed today:
Window Of Tollerance
Hand Model of The Brain

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